Totkay: Handy Tips
Posted on January 12, 2017 by Editorial Team Bridesandyou
Get rid of stink from your feet: take Aubergine, cut it into four pieces and boil in a litre of water. When it’s lukewarm, wash your feet with it. Repeat for a week to get an excellent result.
For clean and soft elbows, take a lemon and cut it into half. Put some sugar over the lemon and rub it on your elbows. It will clear the black spots from the elbow. Repeat twice a week.
In summers eggs may rot even when they are in the fridge. Coat some oil on the eggs before putting them in the fridge; they will last longer.
If you are bitten by insects eg a spider, scorpion or a honey bee, put some onion juice on the area of the sting, and eat some onions as well; you will see a difference in no time.
If your are running a high fever, to bring it down put vinegar in fresh and cold water, soak the cloth in it and sponge your body with it.