Posted on September 12, 2024 by News Desk

Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman, the leader of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Pakistan, has attributed the nation’s economic downfall to “leaders supported by the establishment,” claiming they had “ruined the economy and destroyed the nation.” Hafiz Naeem claimed in a statement released from Lahore that these leaders make concessions to the establishment in exchange for power, only to attack it when their requests are not fulfilled.

Hafiz Naeem declared that the current political system is “weak and outdated” and predicted that the youth would one day take action and usher in profound change.
He further said that JI will be keeping a careful eye on the government’s actions and promised to continue pushing for the execution of the Rawalpindi Agreement.
Hafiz Naeem also pushed for lower energy rates throughout Pakistan, calling on the government to remove unfair levies on salaried people and to modify prices in accordance with true expenses. He cautioned that JI has a number of ways to put pressure on the government, including as going on strike and refusing to pay its electrical bills.
Chief of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Hafiz Naeemur Rehman attacked the opposition and ruling parties a few days ago for focussing more on accumulating personal fortune than on resolving the fundamental problems facing the nation.As part of JI’s national membership drive, he made the following claim at a rally in Karachi: the political establishment is unconcerned about pressing problems such the scarcity of fuel, water, power, and gas.
He claimed that in order to solve the “crumbling walls” of the current system, these issues necessitate swift response. The head of JI criticised the existing governing class, describing it as made up of capitalists, feudal lords, and autocrats who have accumulated large fortunes without paying taxes. He also argued that the public has been taxed by the government’s agreements with Independent Power Producers (IPPs).
According to Hafiz Naeemur Rehman, JI is aggressively mobilising its base through a campaign targeted at obtaining five million new members nationwide and offers the strongest voice for Pakistan’s impoverished. The Jamaat-e-Islami itself has backed all three of the military rulers who ousted democratic forces throughout Pakistan’s history.