5 Summer Love Trends Weddings

Posted on June 20, 2016 by Editorial Team Bridesandyou

There’s a reason there are so many summer love songs: many of us have had a summer romance and if we’re single, we have one eye open on the lookout for another one. It’s not only because summertime is inherently sexier than winter months — more skin! More sunshine! More people outside! — it’s that summer itself helps you relax and ease into the possibility of a relationship.
If you’ve been struggling with keeping your spirits high and actually putting yourself out there to meet someone worth all that swiping and all of that work, these summer love predictions might be just what you need to feel inspired again. If you give it a chance, love just might surprise you this season in these very fun (and ahem, hot) ways:

1. Dating Will Be More Adventurous

With the rise of athleisure and more outdoor adventures in the summer, dating will go beyond the happy hour or the dinner table and venture into other ways of connecting. So instead of meeting at 6:30 for drinks and snacks, why not suggest an outdoor bootcamp or yoga sequence? People will be willing to push the envelope in activities they will try, and ways in which they open up opportunities to meet new people.

2. Attending Weddings Could Lead To Long-Term Relationships

You might feel like you’re spending half of your paychecks on bridal showers, bachelorette parties, and weddings, but if you’re single, matchmaker and dating expert, take advantage of the opportunities nuptial events offer. Summer weddings, especially summer destination weddings, are a huge trend and are filled with opportunities to meet The New Ones. If you’re going solo, weddings are a great opportunity meet someone new who your mutual friends can vouch for.

 3. Dates Will Be Less Expensive

One of the big perks of summertime is the extended hours of daylight. While you have to bundle up and stay indoors in freezing temperatures, your hometown suddenly becomes a playground for dating as it warms up. This means it’s easy to save money on dates — buy a bottle of champagne at the store and drink in the park instead of going to a pricey restaurant. Or go for a bike ride instead of seeing a movie. While they might not seem as romantic, they’re actually more memorable and thoughtful.

4. Dates Will Last Longer

Just like the days are lengthier, so are the dates. Why? Apart from not being into someone, external factors that cause a date to end sooner aren’t really a roadblock anymore. This summer, singles are more likely to have a leisurely outdoor dinner where they sit to get to know each other. There are times that the crowd and noise levels of indoor dates can shorten the date, but this is typically not the case on a lovely summer evening, as long as they are enjoying each others company

5. More People Might Want to Settle Down

While some people see summer as an ideal time to have casual sex and a hot fling, others might see this season as the ideal time to find the real deal. They feel they have more disposable time, more ranges of activities to do, and they just feel better about themselves and in general at this time of year. When we feel good about ourselves, we attract a better quality of person.

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