Wedding Rings: Words of Engravement

Posted on July 13, 2016 by Editorial Team Bridesandyou

Popular and sentimental wedding ring engraving ideas around the globe:



  • -&- forever (use your first initials)
  • Your private nicknames for each other
  • To my wife/husband
  • Soul mates forever
  • My heart is in your hands

• Pour tous jours (For all days, 15th-century French)
• Joie sans fin (Joy without end, French)
• Mon coeur est a vous (You have my heart, French)
• Je t’aime (I love you, French)
• Mon amour (My love, French)
• Il mio cuore e il tuo per sempre (My heart is yours forever, Italian)
• Amore mio (My love, Italian)
• Vivo per lei (I live for her, Italian)
• Semper amemus (Let us always love, Latin)
• Semper fidelis (Always faithful, Latin)
• Pari passu (With equal step, Latin)
• Amor vincit omnia (Love conquers all, Latin)
• Deus nos iunxit (God joined us, Latin)
• 百年好合 (Happily ever after, Chinese)
• 花好月圆 (Blissful harmony, Chinese)

Or You can easily make one in your in native language & add to the list

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