6 Ways Millennial Brides Are Changing the Wedding Game

Posted on August 25, 2016 by Editorial Team Bridesandyou


It’s no surprise that today’s wedding traditions differ from those of our grandparents and even parents, but did you ever wonder why? Or how wedding planning might differ with Millennial brides. Here are few clues:

1. She finds inspiration online and offline.

Today’s millennial brides are driving inspiration from Pinterest as well as from wedding magazines.

2. She knows how to shop smartly and still have fun.

A level of efficiency while still having a delightful experience is something that is really unique to the Millennials and something that they look for in a lot of different elements of their life.

3. She’s streamlining her research through smart websites that do the work for her.

Millennials brides do a vast array of websites hungry for research and come across smart sites get the work done for them.

4. No more need for an inspiration scrapbook — or tearing out magazine photos.

There exists an opportunity of streamlining an experience for most brides making the shopping experience easy. There are shared virtual showrooms where a bride can invite others to participate in the shopping experience together, even if they don’t live in the same place.

5. She values friends’ opinions over brand recognition.

Millennials as a generation care more about what their friends and family think about purchases than they do about large brands or institutional opinions.

6. Geographical distance is no longer a barrier.

Just by nature, Millennials live in different places. Often they grow up in one city, they go to college in another and they bounce around so they just don’t live in the same place as all the people who matter to them. Figuring out wedding details online enables that collaboration that they wouldn’t otherwise have.

What hasn’t changed? Brides are still (mostly) in the drivers’ seat.
In most weddings, the bride is driving and deciding upon what the men are wearing. Even in the sphere of what the guys are themselves wearing, it’s still the bride who is the driver behind the decisions.

credits: popsugar/LAUREN SCHILLER

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