Pakistani Woman First in the World to Cycle on Biafo glacier

Posted on September 9, 2016 by Injila Baqir Zeeshan


Samar Khan is the first woman in the world to have cycled on the 4,500-metre-high Biafo glacier in Gilgit-Baltistan. Khan, enjoys outdoor sports like paragliding, trekking, mountain climbing and has a penchant for cycling.

Her trek began in July, 2016 and lasted almost a month.

“The biggest challenge on a route like this is the elevation,” she told the Express Tribune when asked about what she was most concerned about before the trip.

Khan had to undergo intense training before she out for Biafo- she routinely exercised in the gym, trekked on the weekends and also followed a strict diet plan.

Khan trained for six months before setting out for Biafo; she trekked on the weekends, routinely visited the gym and also followed a strict diet plan.


Khan plans to join the national team and has been looking forward to more challenging tours around the country. She also plans to return to Biafo to visit places she missed earlier. She also wants people to see how beautiful Pakistan is and encourages others to experience such adventures themselves.

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