Amna and Akhsheed’s Tale of Romance, Love and Commitment April 2005

Posted on October 27, 2016 by Editorial Team Bridesandyou

When did you get married and how old were the two of you?

Akhsheed: We got married in April 2005 and both of us were 26 at the time.

Was your marriage an arranged one or not?      

Akhsheed: It was anything but arranged!

How and where did you meet?

Amna: We used to study together in a Masters Program.

What made you two decide that you were perfect for each other?

Akhsheed: We just connected so well from the word go and then didn’t think much.

One thing you remember about your wedding day?

Amna: I remember when Akhsheed got down from the stage to receive me and held my hand, while seating me next to him.

Akhsheed: I cannot forget the first time I saw Amna in her wedding dress at the photo shoot; she looked absolutely beautiful. It was a timeless piece designed by Nilofer Shahid.

One thing you wish you could have added to the ceremony:

Amna: It was perfect.

What was the wedding night gift for the bride?

Akhsheed: A beautiful princess cut diamond solitaire ring.

Where did you have your honeymoon? Who decided on the place and why?

Amna: We went exploring Europe. Akhsheed made all the plans. We started with Switzerland, went to Scotland, France, Spain, Italy and Ireland.

What was the one perfect moment of your honeymoon?

Akhsheed: The perfect moment has to be amongst the ones spent in the mountains in Switzerland. That was quite amazing and unforgettable.

What was the most embarrassing moment during your honeymoon?

Amna: The most embarrassing thing on the honeymoon was that Akhsheed would lose his way on the road while driving, as we traveled through Europe and this would happen every five minutes!

A favourite activity that the two of you enjoyed on your honeymoon?

Akhsheed: Getting lost and finding our way, it almost became a game.

What was the most shocking thing about him which you discovered on the honeymoon?

Amna: He was a road runner- he would hire cars, drive around and keep getting lost and would not give up.

What was the most shocking thing about her that you discovered on the honeymoon?

Akhsheed: She splashes water all over the place when she washes her face.

The one thing you would change if you had the chance about your honeymoon?

Akhsheed: Timing!

Amna: Nothing, loved it.

Who gives in first when you fight?

Amna: Akhsheed always gives in first.

What is your song?

Amna: It keeps changing; these days it is the one from Ek Villain called ‘Galiyaan’.

The first movie you saw as a couple? How did you like it?

Amna: I cannot remember but I am pretty sure it had Salman Khan, my favourite hero in it. I loved it and Akhsheed was completely shocked by this.

The one relative or friend of your spouse whose company you enjoy the most, and why?

Amna: Aiza, Akhsheed’s sister, we are partners in every crime!

Akhsheed: Amna’s mother, she makes the best food. Simply love her cooking.

Favorite activity as a couple now?

Amna: We love to party, travel and watch movies together.

Which was the best time of your life? Before marriage? The honeymoon or now? Or still waiting? Other?

Akhsheed: The time is now! We enjoy doing so much together.

Any special memories incidents you would like to share?

Amna: Every time we fight Akhsheed says that this time I will not give in but he always does; he is always the first one to try to make peace and end the quarrel. I love him for that and he hates me for making him do it each time!

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