Hasan Rizvi and Hina Ramzi’s Romantic Tale

Posted on November 10, 2016 by Injila Baqir Zeeshan

Hasan Rizvi is a dance visionary; musical director, actor and choreographer. Hina Ramzi has studied fashion design and fine arts and is the daughter of the accomplished Mrs Shanaz Ramzi of Hum Network.

When did you get married and how old were the two of you?

Hasan: Hina Ramzi was 24 and I was 23.

Was your marriage an arranged one or not?

Hasan: Hina and I have been together since our early teenage years. So yes a complete love story!

How and where did you meet?

Hasan: It is actually a very embarrassing story. Back in the day when we did not have caller ID, prank calls were greatly prevalent. Although, later we found out we had several common friends…  the madness started over a silly-childish prank call. Who says there is no such thing as ‘Kismat’.

What made you two decide that you were perfect for each other?

Hasan: From the point she said ‘Hello!’, I knew she was perfect. Hina and I spoke over the phone for one year before she actually agreed to meet me along with 12 of her friends. Meeting her was just a formality, I had decided from the word go. Getting the parents to approve was a whole other ball game.

Hina: My best friend led me to believe that Hasan was perfect for me.

One thing you remember about your wedding day?

Hasan: Although we have several customs, traditions and activities. The one I remember for its sentimental value is praying beside my bride’s pallu. A gesture to thank Allah for the happiness He has bestowed opon us.

Hina: I cannot forget the moment when Hasan prayed on my dupatta.

One thing you wish you could have added to the ceremony:

Hasan: I don’t know about adding but I would definitely cut a lot of the events out. I was younger, spoilt and had no value for money. We had three years of celebrations with Baat Pakkis, Moun Methas, Mangni, Sangeets, Musicals, Ghazal Nights, Mehndis, Rangs, Shaadis, Valimas, countless dholkis and eight months of dance practices.

Hina: Nothing, it was my dream wedding.

What was the wedding night gift for the bride?

Hasan: A solitaire ring brought down for generations.

Where did you have your honeymoon? Who decided on the place and why?

Hasan: We went to four cities in Thailand because that was the popular honeymoon destination at that time. It was recommended as great value for money and had all the things Hina and I enjoyed- shopping, beaches and nightlife. If I had to go back in time I would not change a thing.

What was the one perfect moment of your honeymoon?

Hasan: Traveling for the first time with my wife was exhilarating for me.

Hina: How can I choose one! Amongst many the moment we landed in Phuket is very memorable.

What was the most embarrassing moment during your honeymoon?

Hasan: Hina and I had been hearing music from a club next doors to our hotel. The next day we decided to check it out! To our surprise it was a club for cross dressers and even more surprisingly, I realized how phobic Hina was. Need I say we ran out of there?

Hina: The bathroom was made of glass! How is that romantic?

Any fun activity that the two of you enjoyed on your honeymoon?

Hasan: The most fun I can remember having was while shopping and during water sports. Hina and I are total shopaholics. We love bringing back gifts and love new wardrobes.

Hina: The massages and the shopping!

What was the most shocking thing about him which you discovered on the honeymoon?

Hina: He drinks an insane amount of diet coke and he matches his boxers.

What was the most shocking thing about her that you discovered on the honeymoon?

Hasan: She needed to check in with her parents every minute of every hour.

The one thing you would change if you had the chance about your honeymoon?

Hasan: Nothing, well maybe extend the trip to three weeks.

Hina: I would want to have been thinner than I was.

Who gives in first when you fight?

Hasan: I am the more dominant and aggressive of the two but I am also the first one to apologize.

Hina Ramzi: That’s not right. I give in first!

What is your song?

Hasan: ‘Turn me on’ by Kevin Little.

The first movie you saw as a couple? How did you like it?

Hasan: Believe it or not! Harry Potter! Hina hated it, I am a fan!

The one relative or friend of your spouse whose company you enjoy the most, and why?

Hasan: My mother-in-law has been my biggest supporter, friend and source of guidance. It must have been very difficult to not only endorse but be proud of my profession.

Hina: Hasan’s best friend Shamoun has been my confidant since day one.

Favorite activity as a couple now? What do you enjoy spending your time doing as a family?

Hasan: As a couple we enjoy shopping but as a family we love taking the kids to amusement parks, malls, parks, etc. We want our kids to live a little outside the comfort of our homes. Given the safety precautions we must take, that is the best we can do.

Which was the best time of your life? Before marriage? The honeymoon or now? Or still waiting?

Hasan: As cliché as this may sound each phase has had its charm. From courting, to being engaged, to getting married to having the most amazing twins it has been superb. I have no regrets. All the times have played a huge part in shaping our lives but today is where we stand happier than ever before. Allah ka shukar.

Any special memories incidents you would like to share?

Hasan: I can never forget the day Hina and I met for the first time. She was too shy to even say, ‘Hi’. Till today she blushes when I flirt with her!

By Injila Baqir Zeeshan

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