Totkay: Handy Tips

Posted on February 9, 2017 by Editorial Team Bridesandyou

If you are allergic to any moisturizer, apply a mashed banana mixed with cream and honey to keep your skin well hydrated. Rinse after 15 mins.

Yoghurt (plain & natural) is a wonderful skin cleanser. It can be used to massage all skin types. It also helps treat sunburn.

Pulp of grapes can also be applied to remove blackheads. Wash the face with warm water after 20 mins.

To reduce hair loss, massage the scalp with coconut milk or aloe vera gel. Leave it for half hour and then rinse with warm water. Do this thrice a week and notice the change!

To reduce weight and cut fat real fast, drink lemon grass green tea first thing in the morning! Yes, everyone tells this story. But this always works!

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