Posted on June 24, 2017 by Editorial Team Bridesandyou

A chic retro fantasy

If a typical couture skill is perceived to be dignified and elegant, Umsha offers  complete satisfaction of that haute couture experience. It is about creating clothes that blend beautiful designs with real world applicability. Uzma defines her designs as modern pieces of art painted with a traditional brush. She believes that, “Women today want something modern, but cannot forgo the beauty of our culture; my clothes represent an optimum blend of both.”

We sat down with the designer to talk about her design sensibility, her stylish motifs and her personal style:

How did you come in this field?

I have always had a knack for fashion. Back in the days, I would design for my friends. They would take advice concerning what to wear. This is how it began.

What is your definition of the term , “fashionista”?

A fashionista is an individual with a personal style statement. He/she is a person whose style represents who he/she is, without following what the crowd is doing. Also, a fashionista is a person who knows what to wear according to what suits him/her; someone who is secure in who he/she is.

If you had to choose between Instant Fame or Durable fashion, what will be your choice?

I am not for fame and fortune. We are not running after being famous. I would rather present to my clients what I feel I can do best, as this is my passion.

If you had to dress up in another Pakistani designer’s outfit, who would it be?

Bunto Kazmi.

What is your ‘ to go’ perfume?

Miracle, by Lancome.

What is that one shade of lipstick that you always carry in your bag? The one that you think can go with all your deigned outfits?

I am all for light makeup and nude shades.

What is one difference between your clientele from Lahore, Karachi and Faisalabad?

They vary in terms of taste. However, all my clients wish to be dressed in accordance to what suits them. There is not much difference, as everyone wants to look good.

How do you define your design sensibility in a sentence?

I offer trendy, wearable, powerful, and reliable fashion. Umsha has mastered this.

Who in your view is that one designer that has left a lasting impression on fashion world?

Christian Dior.

What differentiates your work from that of other designers in the current fashion scene?

My aesthetics are to create fashion that is not all bling, but also towards the relatable side. Umsha is of the view that the clients ought to associate with what we offer.

Pick an option for you define your personal sense of style out of the following:

I will go for option b.

a) Retro- I will bring the most memorable eras in the history of fashion back to my age! I look best sporting a 50s 60s or 70s style! Brightest colours only…and give me flowers for prints please!

b) Simplistic- I believe less is more. My style is my own; non replicable; original!

c) Diva- I’m a die hard fashionista to the core! Only the best and latest in my closet!

d) SophistiCAT- I’m traditional and ethnic- I take old school to a new level of feminine grace!

e) Glamorina- I’m uber cool without an apology-my colours are dark, my style is sensual and wild and yet I am fully grounded with or without my tatoos!

f) Femme Fatale- I’m super alluring, oozing immaculate, killer, feminine charm that’s irresistible at all times!

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