6 REALLY Weird Marriage Customs From Around The World

Throwing the bouquet, scandalously removing the garter, the couple’s first dance, the cutting of the cake, and the life-affirming moment that the Electric Slide begins – these are all wedding traditions that most Americans know and love. Around the world, wedding traditions are a little bit different: Some of them are heart warmingly romantic, and some of them are a little strange, and some of them might make you a little bit uncomfortable. Check out these love and marriage customs from around the globe.

To a Whale of a Wife
In Fiji, men have to find an unusual gift before they can ask for a woman’s hand in marriage: Before asking for the hand of his beloved, the groom must present his father-in-law with a whale’s tooth.

The Blackening of the Bride
In Scotland, there is a particularly nasty pre-wedding tradition that involves the bride and groom being pelted with food trash, including rotten eggs and fish. The Scots believe that if a couple can withstand this, their marriage can withstand anything.

Love and the Chicken Liver
In Daur, China, there is a tradition that requires engaged couples to dissect a chicken and check out it’s liver: If the liver is healthy, the couple can set a date. If not, they can’t plan their nuptials until they find one that is.

The Bridesmaid Blockade
In China, when a groom comes to get his bride, he must first break through an aggressive wall of her angry bridesmaids. The bridesmaids demand money from him, and put him through a series of silly performances and tasks – all meant to prove just how strong his love really is.

The Courting Hut
Some African tribes allow women to enter a “courting hut” so they can hang out with potential spouses away from the prying eyes of their parents – and the rest of the village.

The Bridal Kidnapping
Here’s a completely messed up tradition that will have you cringing; In Krygyzstan, an old adage claims that tears on a wedding day will make for a happy marriage. Until 1991 (when it was finally made illegal) many parents would consent to the marriage of a kidnapped young girl, especially if she was crying.

credits: Lifebuzz

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