4 Myths amp; Facts About Acne
Posted on July 25, 2016 by Injila Baqir Zeeshan
Like many skin conditions, acne is complex. From random outbreaks to more persistent problems, diagnosing and treating acne isn’t always simple – and common misconceptions don’t help. So here are myths and facts related to one of randomly distressing beauty problem i.e. acne.
Myth 1: Acne is caused by a poor diet
Acne sufferers often hear that the condition can be caused by a poor diet. On top of that they also sometimes hear that chocolate gives you spots.
Fact: While it’s best to follow a healthy, balanced and varied diet, it’s unproven that a poor diet = acne. Instead, acne results from hormones that promote the over-production of sebum that, in turn, blocks pores, resulting in inflammation and characteristic spots, blackheads or whiteheads.
Myth 2: Squeezing blackheads, whiteheads and spots is the best way to get rid of acne
Sufferers have heard that squeezing spots and skin impurities is the best way to get rid of acne.
Fact: You should not squeeze or scratch spots – this can make them worse and may lead to inflammation or even scarring. If you think your acne is severe, your doctor, a pharmacist or dermatologist should be a first port-of-call.
Myth 3: Sunbathing, sun beds and sunlamps help improve the symptoms of acne
Acne sufferers have heard using sun beds or sunbathing could improve symptoms.
Fact: As well as there being no evidence that using sun beds and sunbathing improves acne, they are associated with increased skin damage and risk of developing skin cancer. Additionally, while some acne products won’t make your skin more sensitive to sunlight, medications used to treat acne can do this. So you should always make sure you follow instructions!
Myth 4: Toothpaste, lemon and lime juice are effective in treating acne
Almost half of acne sufferers have used or considered using toothpaste to treat symptoms, while others have gone down the citrus-based route and used (or considered using) lemon or lime juice.
Fact: While it’s tempting to try to dry out the skin, using harsh substances may lead to unnecessary soreness and these are not designed for use on the skin. Try opting for a clinically proven product that treats mild or moderate acne symptoms such as acne spots, redness and swelling, without drying out the skin.