Totkay & Handy Tips
Posted on August 4, 2016 by Injila Baqir Zeeshan
To restore finished wood furniture dip two tea bags in hot water for 10 min let it cool then dampen a clean soft cloth in tea and wipe over furniture, it will bring out the wood’s
natural colour.
If you got colour around your hairline and ears remember that colour removes colour just trake some fresh colour from the tube and rub it on the spot and wipe it off, it will come off instantly.
For garlic or onion breath you can chew on a coffee bean or eat some fresh parsley.
Apply white vinegar to shoes with a rag and wipe off salt stains.
Put a stocking over the end of a vacume cleaner to find tiny items like earings.
To quickly dry the nail polish dip fingers into a bowl of cold water then shake access water from hands to air dry.
To remove candle wax from candle holders put them in the fridge the wax will come out easily.
Rub a walnut on damaged furniture to cover up dings.
If you have weeds growing in the cracks of your patio, deck or driveway, kill them by spraying them with a solutionof ¼ cup of salt added to a gallon of water.
To make nail polish stay on nails longer, first coat finger nails with vinegar using a cotton ball let it dry then apply the nail polish.