11 Hilarious Types of Desi Grooms at Pakistani Weddings

Pakistani weddings are usually week long, extravagant affairs and with it comes a long charade of funny characters. We all know that brides-to-be get the true limelight but grooms have their own thing going on too. Here’s the type of desi grooms you’re most likely to see at Pakistani weddings.

1.) Mr. know it all 

He thinks he knows exactly what he and others are doing but in reality, his parents have taken charge of every little detail of his wedding. He’s sitting over the festivities like he’s the king but hasn’t worked for the events at all.

Tip: Beware of these types because they might do the same for every other occasion moving forward and take all the credit in the end. 

2.) The one who handles everything without taking any help 

He’s the complete opposite from the know it all but handling everything takes a toll on him that can be visibly seen on the wedding day. He thinks it is all his responsibility to get everything done for his wedding.

Tip: Be gentle and talk him into assigning small tasks to friends and relatives. 

3.) The one who is head over heels in love 

All he cares about is his beautiful bride-to-be. Spending time with family is not his priority at the moment and whatever she says, is his command. The wedding day might be in 24 hours but the love is so overwhelming that they can’t get enough of each other.

Tip: Beware! As time passes, the ‘honeymoon’ phase also fizzles out and the mundane life begins. Nevertheless, each phase comes with its own perks. 

4.) The nervous wreck 

Yes, everyone’s heard of cold feet and men get nervous when the day finally arrives. The D-Day is as exciting and stressful for the bride as it is for the groom. He is overthinking, worried and confused.

Tip: In such cases, calm him down and remind him why he’s getting married. A lecture from a confidant might help him soothe his nerves.

5.) The one who is too busy partying 

Well, it is his wedding and he deserves to celebrate. He and his entourage are our every night of the week. However, sometimes going overboard can constitute as reckless behavior.

Tip: Just make sure he shows up in his right frame of mind for the wedding day. 

6.) The extremely serious one 

He would have preferred a very simple affair but due to the bride, family and societal pressures he gives in to celebrating the lavish dholkis, traditions etc.

Tip: Tell him to take a step back, relax and enjoy the celebrations while they last.

7.) The emotional one 

Yes, we’ve seen guys cry too on their Nikkah. It doesn’t mean they are sissy, they are just too happy and sensitive at the moment.

Tip: Be supportive and appreciative of how happy the groom is. 

8.) The one who won’t do anything without mommy or daddy’s approval 

If he walks the aisle with both hands tightly gripped by parents on either side- it might be a sign that parents approval on even the tiniest decision is through them.

Tip: Know how to be diplomatic and tackle it gently. 

9) The extremely easy going one 

He’ll play along with everything the bride, her family and his family wants. He takes a back seat and lets his bride take all the decisions. Even when he doesn’t agree upon something, he’ll politely make her understand.

Tip: They are very good at communicating. Grab a hold of this one tightly, ladies! 

10) The dominating one 

If the bride-to-be is willing to sacrifice and settle, then alone such men can be handled. This type of groom-to-be would want things done only their way and there is no two ways about it.

Tip: Don’t settle! Maintain an equal and balanced relationship. 

11) Finally, your perfect knight in shining armor!

They don’t really exist but that’s how the bride-to-be’s should feel at the most special day of their lives. He will be into you, pamper you, be there for you, make you shine and understand what to say at the right moments.

Tip: Be there and meet each other halfway. Nobody is perfect, you just have to work it out and learn how to be happy together. 

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