The Best and Worst Of Ayeza Khan

My best feature is: I like my entire face because my face is the one thing I always get compliments on.

My worst feature is: I do not underestimate myself, I think we all are perfect!

My best show/role/shoot/ad: Pyaray Afzal.

My worst show/role/shoot/ad: I love everything I have done.

Best buy: My pearl white bedroom set.

Worst buy: A Michael Kors rose-gold bag.

The best politician in our country is: No comments.

The worst politician in our country is: No comments.

Best book I ever read: Life After Life by Kate Atkinson.

Worst book I ever read: Twilight, I was forced to read by my younger brother.

Best movie: Titanic.

Worst movie: Mama was the worst horror film I have ever seen.

Best vacation spot: Thailand- I had my first vacation with Danish there.

Worst vacation spots: Malaysia is always boring.

Best memory: I remember when I held my newborn baby in my arms for the first time. All my pain and struggle was forgotten.

Worst memory: The break up after my engagement.

Best offer or an idea I ever had: I think Pyaray Afzal.

Worst offer/idea I ever had: I was offered a role of a girl who gets bitten by a mad dog; she starts behaving like a dog and she barks at night! Ha ha! It is a long story but I am sure you get the idea!

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