Check your Career/Finance Horoscope for this week


13th March – 19th March 

Aries: (March 21- April 19)

A full moon in your work sector is a norm at this time; minor financial issues may cause some trouble this week! Keep an eye around, as someone from your team may try to bring you losses.  Middle of the week is good to apply for loans. Expected monetary gains from abroad, you have a reason to be happy.

Taurus: (April 20 – May 20)

A great, exciting week it is! Best time to have business partnerships. A new unthought-of offer may come your way.  This week is the perfect time to invest in the stock market. If applying for a loan it would be approved sooner than usual. All financial issues will be resolved by the end of this week.

Gemini: (May 21- June 20)

For all those students who want to apply for a study loan now is the time. You might plan to buy a new vehicle or a home this week which completely be in your favor. Deals are going to bring you good returns. However, business professionals must avoid getting into partnerships.

Cancer: (June 21- July 22)

Good news for all those who are waiting to get back their money given on loan. In the middle of the week you may gain from some projects which will be great financially. Not in favor of the new investors at the share market, no good returns.

Leo: (July 23 – Aug. 22)

Your expenditures are likely to increase causing unexpected problems. It would be beneficial for investing in mutual funds. A great time for those who are involved in the business of vehicle sale, finance or property as all problems will be solved this week and you can breathe a sigh of relief.

Virgo: (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Pending arrears or dues will bring relief to many in this week which would improve financial problems. Monetary help by parents would enable you to complete long-blocked projects. It would be better to invest money in safe funds.

Libra: (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Thanks to the influence of the Sun, it is a great week for all! For all those involved in the business of property or import/export a lot of gains are expected. Beneficial partnerships for marketing professionals are making their way.  All the working women who are facing obstacles it is a great time to look for partnerships.

Scorpio: (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

Postpone all your investments in this week, or hire a financial expert before making any kind of investments. Avoid making any decision regarding sale/purchase of your property. Do not plan to buy anything as an asset at the moment as you find a better price after sometime.

Sagittarius: (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Not a great week to make investments in the stock market. You need to take some steps to ensure better management of your hard-earned money. Any investment or partnership in this week will fail to bring you the profits that you expect.

Capricorn: (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

This week is not in your favor if you are thinking ok making any investment. It won’t be a good time to make any decision regarding the sale/purchase of your assets. A good advice from a financial expert is highly recommended.

Aquarius: (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

A financially sound week is coming up for people in chemical and metal industry. Builders need to get an advice before investing in new projects. Project plans need to be postponed for a good amount of success.

Pisces: (Feb. 19 – March 20)

A prosperous financial week it is. You will be successful in getting monetary gains from your transactions or any major contract. Good time to invest in some secure funds in order to earn more financial gains.

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