Humza Rasool Chaudhry

Posted on April 10, 2017 by Injila Baqir Zeeshan

Designer’s Bio



Name: Humza Rasool Chaudhry

Label: Humza Rasool Chaudhry

Number of years of experience in the field: Nine.

Niche- most famous for the category of: Bridals and Formal wear.

Favourite colour palette to work with: Shades of red.

Favourite materials to work with:  Kimkhaab

You design philosophy/ signature style of working: My Outfits are well-known for being excessively heavy!

Availability: We are based in Lahore, Pakistan, but are currently catering to clients around the globe through orders placed digitally.

Approximate price range:

Bridals: Starting from USD 4000

Heavy formals: Starting from USD 1000


Bridals: 3-6 months

Heavy formals: 3-4 months



Instagram: humza.r.chaudhry  #humzarasoolchaudhry

Address: Garden Town, Lahore

Contact:  +92 332 8414890

WhatsApp: +92 332 8414890

Portfolio: Humza Rasool Chaudhry

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