2021 brings a sad Spring for the planet!
Posted on March 20, 2021 by Beenish Mahmood

Spring is in the air! Traditionally, it is time for celebration! But how can we celebrate in the current depressing circumstances? It has to be a different kind of celebration this time around: a celebration that is no longer focused on spending money; it has to be a celebration which is shared with the less privileged and those who are suffering.
This Spring brings us poverty, uncountable deaths and fear all around the globe because of the killer virus! With the Covid19 cases on a high rise, people have had to resort to a whole new and different lifestyle. As people are forced to stay indoors, it is no surprise how little things such as a rose in the garden, freshly bloomed, or juicy, yellow lemons hanging from a tree branch, bring joy and pleasure.
Each time spring comes its beauty and scent are taken for granted. The blooming flowers and fresh green plants create an aura that has never been so fully appreciated as it is now. Small gestures such as planting more trees, making manure from kitchen waste, helping those in need by curtailing our expenses to avoid experiencing the wrath of God have helped to create a healthier society- one that is more focused on welfare rather than a materialistic approach.
Each time spring comes its beauty and scent are taken for granted. The blooming flowers and fresh green plants create an aura that has never been so fully appreciated as it is now. Small gestures such as planting more trees, making manure from kitchen waste, helping those in need by curtailing our expenses to avoid experiencing the wrath of God have helped to create a healthier society- one that is more focused on welfare rather than a materialistic approach.
The vibrant colours, the refreshing fragrance enveloping the surroundings and the cool breeze soothe the mind and soul. It provides relaxation to the mind and body, strained by the impact of the diabolical disease of Covid. By being empathetic towards the ones who are suffering, we are indeed shedding our sins. Quoting from the Holy Quran, “And how many of the favours of God, will you deny!” With gratitude comes contentment and with contentment, satisfaction. So always be grateful even in dire situations and surely your creator will bring ease for you.