Natasha Zubair – Finding Beauty in unexpected places!

Posted on February 14, 2022 by Injila Baqir Zeeshan

Natasha Zubair has been making waves with the quality of her work in the field of photography. She has recently been nominated in the Lux Style Awards as well. Here’s an insight into this multi talented woman who has taken on the world with her determination, hard work and a genuinely good nature.

I started working in: 2017. I was a student at National College of Arts during that time.

My forte is: portraits, especially in natural light!

I managed to achieve success because: I have stayed consistent with my work regardless of what life has thrown in my way.

My favourite people and faces to work with are: Those who let me breathe and create on my own! I truly value and appreciate those clients that have put their trust in me and let me shoot however I please. I love all faces if they are kind and professional.

My biggest achievement to date has been: It is opening my studio which is named after my Dada.

My favourite part of being a photographer is: It is the editing process! The entire post process period is so therapeutic. I love being a loner and working on images for hours. It is a great way to recharge after you have been shooting with people all day.

I believe that a human being’s true beauty lies in: It lies in how they treat others. I have never found stereotypically “beautiful” people attractive- I have seen them act unkind to those around them and it makes them look ugly. There is a quote by Roald Dahl that I love which I feel can explain this better: “A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”

My advice to the new entrants in this field: It is that stay consistent and stay humble. It is truly all it takes to make it big eventually.

In my opinion the following things are wrong in this field and need to be changed: There is a huge lack of recognition for the female photographers in our industry! And because of this, everyone assumes it is just a hobby for girls. I hope to see an increase in female photographers in the future because there is no comparison to a female shooting another female.

3 fun facts about me are:

  • Watching dancing videos online is my secret guilty pleasure. I cannot dance for the life of me, but I enjoy watching them so much!
  • I love stationery and have ever since I was a kid. I have my own stationery brand that I launched back in 2016.
  • I am actually a lot more introverted than I may seem. I would rather be at home with my family than out and about! I love listening to podcasts/other people talk about photography or their experiences with it. I research other photographers and their work daily.

This artist’s work can be seen at:

And may be contacted at:

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