Kuwait’s New Foreign Residency Law: A Modern Era for Immigration Policies

Posted on December 15, 2024 by News Desk

Kuwait’s New Foreign Residency Law: A Modern Era for Immigration Policies

Kuwait has introduced a groundbreaking foreign residency law, marking a significant shift in its immigration policies for the first time in over 60 years. Enacted by Amiri decree on November 28, this law aims to address persistent challenges such as visa trading and the exploitation of migrant workers, while introducing innovative measures for the betterment of foreign residents.

Key Highlights of the New Law

Ten-Year Residency for Children of Kuwaiti Women

A standout feature of the new legislation is the provision granting a renewable ten-year residency for children of Kuwaiti women. These residents will enjoy the benefit of retaining their residency status even if they remain outside Kuwait for over six months for educational or medical purposes. However, this residency does not extend to Kuwaiti citizenship.

Crackdown on Visa Trading and Exploitation

The law takes a strong stance against visa trading and the exploitation of migrant workers. It imposes strict penalties, including fines and imprisonment, on individuals and entities involved in illegal practices such as facilitating entry, residence, or visa renewals in exchange for money. Employers are now prohibited from hiring expatriates for purposes other than their original recruitment and must ensure proper authorisation for all employees.

Improved Family and Domestic Worker Visas

Family visit visas will now be extended to three months, with fees set by the Ministry of Interior. Additionally, the waiting period for bringing in new domestic workers has been reduced from six months to four months after the previous worker’s departure. These changes aim to ease the burden on families and streamline the process for domestic help.

Enhanced Measures Against Human Trafficking

The law strengthens protections against human trafficking and exploitation, introducing heavier penalties for violators. Public employees involved in illegal activities face even stricter consequences, reflecting the government’s zero-tolerance policy toward corruption.

Digital Transformation for Residency Applications

The new law also includes a focus on digital transformation. Updates to the Kuwait Visa website will simplify the residency application process, ensuring greater transparency and efficiency. This step aligns with the government’s commitment to modernisation and improving the overall experience for residents.

Implementation Timeline and Government Commitment

The law will come into effect within six months, with authorities pledging to uphold transparency and accountability. Major General Ali Al Adwani, Assistant Undersecretary for Residency and Citizenship Affairs, affirmed the government’s dedication to fair treatment for all residents and an improved immigration framework.

A Progressive Step Forward

Kuwait’s new residency law represents a forward-thinking approach to immigration, balancing the needs of the country with the rights of its residents. By addressing long-standing issues and embracing digital advancements, this reform paves the way for a fairer and more efficient system.

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