Asad Bin Javed – A Versatile Photography Aesthetic

The person in focus this time for our Artist Insight feature is none other than the super talented photographer Asad Bin Javed who has steadily been catching our eye for a while now. Let us read on to find out more about him and his work. 

When and how I began working:

I started working in 2018. I had just completed my intermediate. I used to do street photography before that. I also used to paint and that helped me a lot in building my aesthetic towards fashion photography.

My forte is:

I don’t believe there is any specific forte in my case. I just love to try everything new related to fashion photography- it helps me, to not get stuck in only one type of work aesthetic. It is better to be good in every type of photography, rather than being a perfectionist in only one. Versatility is the best thing which a photographer can bring to his work especially in fashion.

How I manage to achieve success:

Firstly, I always pray to Allah for my success and no one else. Secondly, I always try to do experimentation and not be afraid to try something new which has not been done before. Thirdly, consistency while working is very important. One cannot let the momentum break.

My favourite people and faces to work with are:

All those who make me feel comfortable and give me creative freedom to work are my favourite people. And there is a long list of these people, Alhamdulillah.

My biggest achievement to date has been:

I believe that the biggest achievement of mine is self-confidence; believing in myself and my work. As everyone knows, at the current time and era in this industry, the competition is so tough. These days, everyone has a creative demon inside them. At such a time, acceptance for my work from this industry is my biggest achievement.

My favourite part of being a photographer is:

I simply love post processing and it is my favourite part of being a photographer. As I edit my shoots myself, it helps me a lot in figuring out everything that I may have done wrong, while capturing photos. It is a learning process and in this way I do not repeat the errors again.

I believe that a human being’s true beauty lies in:

I believe that a human being’s true beauty lies in their good morals and the way they carry themselves.

My advice to the new entrants in this field, is that:

Keep yourself consistent in your work. Take inspiration but be authentic. Respect your seniors and juniors both. And most importantly, stay humble and be kind to everyone.

Things that are wrong in this industry and need to be changed:

I believe groupism and lobbyism should not be a part of this magnificent field: photographers, models, art directors, designers and brands should be given their due credit and recognition without any biases.

3 fun facts about me as a person are:

1. I have a good sense of humour and I am a meme-lover.

2. Gaming is my second favourite thing after photography.

3. You may have heard about bathroom singers but never about a bathroom rapper; well that is me. I am big fan of hip-hop community. Hip-hop is behind many of my inspirations for work as well.

This artist’s work can be seen in more detail at:

Instagram: @asadbinjavedphoto

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