How Faisal Edhi’s letter to Modi broke the internet

Posted on April 25, 2021 by Aliya Azhar

“Humanity is the biggest religion”; we all have heard this a thousand times, but do we even know its true meaning? Well, Faisal Edhi, son of renowned philanthropist Abdul Sattar Edhi, certainly does: the man offered India his services along with 50 ambulances. Putting all the differences aside, just to serve humanity.

Hospitals in India, including the capital, New Delhi, said that they have only a few hours of medical oxygen required to keep Covid-19 patients alive. More than two-thirds of hospitals have no vacant beds. Doctors advised patients to stay at home. Electronic, print and social media is showing extremely disturbing scenes of people unable to breathe, queuing outside hospitals, waiting to be treated or let inside hospitals which are full. Many have died outside hospitals without getting a chance to be treated.

At such a time, Faisal Edhi’s letter, became this incredible selfless act of kindness and is not something you get to witness every day. Especially, in these testing times, when one is not sure what the next moment would bring. Which is why the news broke the internet when it came out.

India is currently facing the most horrible crisis due to the pandemic: it is just so upsetting to see so many people dying in our neighboring country. Keeping this in mind, Faisal Edhi, wrote a letter to the Indian Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi, on Friday, expressing his concern and offering him his help. He wrote “We, at the Edhi Foundation, have been closely following the current impact that the Covid-19 crisis has had on the people of India…We are very sorry to hear about the exceptionally heavy impact that the pandemic has had on your country, where a tremendous number of people are suffering immensely.” In the letter he requested, Modi’s permission to enter India as well as any necessary guidance from the local administration and police department. He also wrote, “We will arrange all the necessary supplies that our team needs to assist the people of India. Importantly, we are not requesting any other assistance from you, as we are providing the fuel, food, and necessary amenities that our team will require. We look forward to assisting you in managing the current humanitarian crises, and hope only to provide our help in whatever way that we can, for the benefit of the people of India.”

This should go down in history as one of the greatest acts of humanity. With no hidden agenda, just this pure intention to save lives, is so commendable that it cannot be put into words. May this letter end the hatred between the people of both countries and encourage us to stand united in the war against the deadly virus.

In the end I would just say this:
Dear India,
Let’s put our weapons aside and save lives together.

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