Author: Aliya Azhar

How Faisal Edhi’s letter to Modi broke the internet

“Humanity is the biggest religion”; we all have heard this a thousand times, but do we even know its true meaning? Well, Faisal Edhi, son of renowned philanthropist Abdul Sattar Edhi, certainly does: the man offered India his services along with 50 ambulances. Putting all the differences aside, just to serve humanity. Hospitals in India, […]

We can mask our personalities but cannot use a mask for our faces!

“Mr so and so requests the honor of your presence, at the Qawwali Night of their beloved son Mr Lets-get-married-before-the-lockdown-and-risk-everyone’s-lives. Please leave your masks behind, as it is going to be a small gathering of three hundred and fifty people, just close friends and family, so of course you won’t be exposed to the virus.” […]