These Grandma Sandals Are More Comfortable Than Anything Else

Posted on November 7, 2017 by Editorial Team Bridesandyou

Grandmas are known for their baking skills, money-saving secrets and their innate ability to keep us happy and healthy, but stylish shoes? Not always. Until now, that is.

The feet of flat footers lack that elegant crescent shape. Instead the inner soles look like little isosceles triangles, or baby feet. They find almost all shoes mildly uncomfortable. For this reason, they tend to wear clogs, sneakers, sneaker-like boots and the occasional block heel. They don’t wear stilettos, pumps or spikes. In terms of closed-toe shoes, their niche is the sandal. Every flat footer needs a suitable sandal for everyday wear, not unflattering on the feet, and just comfortable enough to warrant skipping the subway in favor of walking.

Charleston Show Co. offers the grandma friendly sandals through both their own site and Amazon. Don’t be dissuaded by the three-star rating and single, curt review: “Sent back. Too small.” It’s worth chasing these down in the right size. Your feet (flat or perfectly arched) will thank you.

The broad, elastic straps cover just enough of your feet to make them look trim and minimize any “side squish.” Four of your five toes and just a hint of your little toe peek out at the front. Walk in them. Run in them. Never take a cab again in them, they really do feel like sneakers.

The $100 price from Charleston Shoe Co for these sandals is worth it.

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