Are Your Guests Taking Too Many Pictures? Try this

There’s nothing wrong with wedding guests snapping some photos at the reception — that’s what the hashtag is for! — but people who are glued to their smartphones throughout the ceremony can ruin professional pictures, while also taking others out of the moment.
Encourage friends and family to stay present and device-free by posting one of these clever signs below.

thank you for coming

“We have one plea…….”

please the bride and bridegroom

“Without the distraction of electronic devices or cameras”

after ceremony use your devices you can

“After ceremony….you can”


“Professional photographers be the only paparazzi”

oh snap thank you for comig

“Camera free”

don't be this guy

“Don’t be this guy”

welcome to our unplugged weddings

“Welcome to our unplugged wedding”

credits: huff post weddings


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