Wondrous Benefits of Walnut

Posted on December 27, 2017 by Editorial Team Bridesandyou

Walnuts are a rich source of good fats, vitamins, proteins and other nutrients. From lowering the risks of heart diseases and certain types of cancer, boosting digestion and metabolism to improving brain health, vision, immune system and mood, this nut does it all. But did you know, walnuts also help to boost your skin’s texture and in getting rid of all skin impurities easily and efficiently? Get your hands on walnut face scrub to reduce dullness of the skin, and add natural glow and softness to it. Here’s why you should add walnut in your diet and beauty regimen:

1.      Keeps signs of ageing at bay

Walnuts are rich in antioxidants, which help in skin regeneration and elasticity. These antioxidants boost collagen production and cell repair, thereby toning the skin and keeping signs of ageing far away. Be it fine lines, wrinkles or age spots, now you can say them goodbye. Eat walnuts or use walnut oil on your face every day and see the stunning difference.

2.      Walnut oil treats skin infections

While the dry fruit is good for making skin look beautiful and radiant, its oil takes care of skin infections. Known for its anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties, walnut oil even cures skin problems like athlete’s foot, psoriasis and candida. In fact, mixing the oil with other natural anti-fungal ingredients, like garlic, speeds up the healing process.

3.      Makes skin healthy and glow

Walnuts have chemical properties which boost blood circulation, thus bringing oxygen and nutrients to each and every cell. The circulation of blood helps skin to glow naturally. Having three to four walnuts a day (maybe during snack time) will help your skin regain that healthy glow.

4.      Strengthens hair

Walnut oil is often added as an essential ingredient in different hair care products. This is because walnut has the potential of making hair black and glossy. It contains an essential nutrient, biotin, which makes hair strong and voluminous, while the proteins in walnuts help in strengthening roots of the hair. Regular usage of walnut oil, or consumption of walnuts can make your hair strong and beautiful.

5.      Fights skin damage

Apart from fighting signs of ageing and offering you glowing skin, walnuts can boost your skin’s overall health. They are rich in vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that protects the skin against sun damage. Also, walnuts are a rich source of healthy omega 3 fats, which help in strengthening skin cells, locking in moisture and keeping the toxins out. The proteins in this nut boost bone development and help in supporting collagen production in your body.

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