Pakistani Designer SYEDA AMERA to join JESSICA MINH ANH S High Fashion X High Tech Phenomenon Atop HOOVER DAM, USA

Producer of Eiffel Tower and London’s Tower Bridge phenomena, Jessica Minh Anh, has selected Pakistani award-winning designer, Syeda Amera, to showcase a special fashion collection atop American engineering masterpiece Hoover Dam.

On selecting Syeda Amera, Jessica Minh Anh said “I’ve been enjoying working with Syeda in Europe, Australia, and now America as I adore her creativity and individuality. Syeda is an expert at mixing innovative embellishments, vibrant colors, and modern cuts. Her Venice-inspired collection, which I modeled in Italy earlier this month, consists of the perfect silhouette and artistic touch in every design. I look forward to showcasing her dresses this summer in America”.

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